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7 Star Fruit Benefits For Your Body

Star fruit is a fruit that has a shape that is very unique among other fruit.  
Starfruit is the name of the leatherback in English. Judging from the physical unique bentuh star fruit is similar or the star with a greenish-yellow fruit color hijaun. Star fruit flavors capable of vibrating tongue for the audience, because the sweet taste when chewed and mixed with sour perceived by the tongue. As with other fruit, star fruit also has great benefits for the health of your body. So, what tremendous benefits for health leatherback is?
This friend of health tips. Leatherback probably one of the rare types of fruit consumed by most people of Indonesia. Some of the main reasons that it might be able to vibrate the tongue or ignorance of the benefits of star fruit itself. Leatherback proved to have a very complete nutritional content such as carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, potassium and iron. A variety of nutrients that have been mentioned certainly remarkable role to maintain and improve the health of the body you have.

Here are 7 powerful benefits of star fruit for your health:
  • Can cure of various diseases. Various diseases in question include fever, ulcers, sore throat and coughing. In addition, the leatherback is also very effective in preventing diabetes.
  • An antidote to various cancer-causing free radicals. This is because, the leatherback is one fruit that is extremely rich in "antioxidants" in it.
  • Nourish the digestive organs. The fiber content in star fruit can help the digestive organs work more optimally and prevent constipation disorders or disorders caused by constipation great.
  • Help you lose weight. Star fruit has a calorie content of up to 30 calories per fruit. So it is very good for those of you who want to lose weight, by providing this fruit in your daily diet menu at any time.
  • Preventing heart disease and stroke. Various kinds of vitamin content in leatherback mentioned above can help to prevent the arrival of many deadly diseases such as heart disease and stroke.
  • Hair loss prevention is very effective. The content of antioxidants and vitamin C is high on star fruit can nourish every strand of hair and prevent hair from symptoms kerontokkan on your head.
  • An antidote to the arrival of acne and oily skin. This is because, star fruit contains zinc which acts counteracting the growth of acne on your skin.
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