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Review Galavant Season 2 Episodes 9 and 10 "Battle of the Three Armies" "The One True King (To Unite Them All)"

Under Madalena and Wormwood's spell, the zombie army revolts against Galavant. Meanwhile, Richard goes after Wormwood. Elsewhere, Gareth tries to reason with Madalena, but she is driven to learn how to use her newly acquired dark dark magic.
This was a really great final two episode to wrap everything up. I did really enjoy episode nine and it was all about the battle and the ending where they were trying to decide if they would all truly die or not and thy all basically came to the conclusion the if there was a chance of a third season then they probably will all be fine. The reunion between Galavant and Isabella I didn't really care for, I could see that it was supposed to mean something but it really came across to me as boring and almost unnecessary of a moment. The ending fight between Wormwood and Richard was really great and I loved the joke were Richard kept taking the sword out and putting it back into the stone. The ending was great with the bringing back of the monks to sing the ending song and I hope there is another season because I want to see what happens with Madalena, and I want to see Tad Cooper again now that he is fully grown up. Overall, I really enjoyed these two episodes and I really hope there is another season.

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